Gaming and Lodging Security

Thank you for considering Bri-Bet Security Solutions (Bri-Bet) for your Gaming and Lodging security needs. Bri-Bet’s approach to security in the gaming and lodging fields is simple; utilize overt and covert security measures to reduce client liability and help ensure guests return in the future.

Each hotel, resort, restaurant and gaming facility has the responsibility to maintain a safe environment for their guests. It’s good business practice. It is also generally recognized throughout the hospitality industry that guests and players who feel safe and secure are more likely to relax, have a good time, spend money and most importantly, return in the future.

Bri-Bet’s Gaming and Lodging Security Division was created to help clients reduce liability costs, provide security and promote peace of mind.  


Bri-Bet will meet all the needs of our clients and strives to provide reliable security solutions that achieve our client’s goals in a cost-efficient manner.


Top Rated By Businesses Across Mid-Atlantic Region


Those who select Bri-Bet choose a proven system of management, advanced technology and state-of-the-art control and reporting systems.

Our security expertise gives you the perfect program for a secure environment and our hand-selected staff ensures our client’s specific needs are met.

Our Partners

Bri-Bet continues to aggressively reinforce our position as the Mid-Atlantic region’s Number One Law Enforcement and Security Solutions company. As a testament to that, Bri-Bet not only promotes our partner companies but also works to promote our client’s businesses.

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For Gaming and Lodging Security consulting inquiries, please call

(443) 278-4477